Μουσικολογικά θέματα / Musicology
Various selected dicussions, recordings and studies of musicological interest.
Ancient Melodies in Byzantine Music. What and which are they?
Cherubic Hymns: A collection from the net.
Prosomoia by mode. Links sorted and selected by Gabor Monostori.
Kalophonikoi Heirmoi : The most intricate composition style.
Leitourgika: A collection of modern leitourgika in all modes.
The sign of Oxeia: Is it needed in the New Method?
Simon Karas' Extended Notation: Positives and Negatives
Interpretation/Performance style
Ekphonetic Style of Chanting : How to melodically recite the Gospel, the Epistles and other readings.
Recitation Style: How should we read in Church?
Barys Tetraphonos: Is it the same as maqam Bestenigar?
NH of First Mode: Why sharp sometimes?
DI flat in (Plagal) First Mode : How flat should it be and when?
GA in First Mode : Raised on ascent, but how much?
GA in Second Soft Chromatic Mode: Raised on ascent?
Enharmonic Passages in (Plagal) First Mode : Questions and Answers
Enharmonic Fthora in Fourth Sticheraric mode : Questions and Answers
A Study in Third Mode
Third mode: Diatonic or Enharmonic? : A confusing question.
Barys (Diatonic) Mode : The unspoken mysteries ...
Necrology for the late kyr-Avraam Efthimiadis (+19 Oct 2005) by Father Georgios Stathopoulos ( in Greek) [html] (from analogion.net)
Macarie Ieromonahul An esteemed Romanian teacher.
Archons: psaltai and related people honoured by the Church
Women Chanting : Many recordings
Comparisons: A wealth of comparison of performance styles on a great number of selected pieces.
Studies of classical theseis in Cheroubikon of Konstantinos Protopsaltis (Fourth Mode "Agia").
Cheroubikon of Petros Bereketis (First Mode) (by S. Gugushvili).
Accent-based Rhythm: A misconception?
Chronos and Rhythm: Questions and Answers.
Isokratema: A comprehensive treatment.
Isokratema in Second Mode : Is BOY justified?
Plirothito: A forgotten hymn.
The Office of the Psaltis: Canonical regulations dealing with chanters and their ordination rite.
Typikon as recorded by Father Georgios Regas.
On the Koinonikon (Communal Hymn)
When to break the Cherubic hymn?
Is "Soma Christou" followed by "Alleluia"?
Influences to Byzantine Chant
External influences on Byzantine Chant
Comparison of Psaltai/Sufi Dervishes