Ένας Ρουμάνος δάσκαλος της Ψαλτικής Τέχνης / A Romanian Teacher of the Psaltic Art
The greatest Romanian chanter and composer -
Macarie Ieromonahul - wrote many books , but many of them remained
in manuscripts. I have seen his Irmologion-Kalofonikon,
in the library of the Romanian Academy, there are on the whole
hundreds of chants, all of the translations form Petros Bereketis, Balasios, Chrysaphes,
Germanos Neon Patron and some composed by himself. They are writen in Romanian language
but with slavonic characters, at least two thirds of the book are kratimas.
Filotheu Monahul:
...the manuscript (Rom. Mss. 1685) contains the translation made by Macarie
Ieromonahul from Gregorios' exigisis of the Irmologion Kalofonikon. It has
added kratimas composed by Gregorios, Hurmuz, Petros Lambadarios, Georgios
Kritos and Petros Byzantios after each Irmos. The manuscript is only a beautiful
copy made by one of Macarie's disciples, Ilie. His original exists also in
the Library of Roumanian Academy, and it was made in 1833, while Macarie remained
almos one year in Neamt Monastery, where he worked together with Visarion
Ieromonahul on some new rules of exigisis. Here i add 2 variants of exigisis made
by Visarion Ieromonahul on Efrixe ge, by Panagiot Halatzoglu. It is from my
first book of psaltic music, the Paisian Triodion, printed half a year ago.
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