is the traditional ison to do in Biolakis' slow Doxology in Plagal
First Mode Pentaphonos (so called "enharmonic")?
There are two schools of thought:
a) those that do ZW flat in the enharmonic phrases arguing that it
"sounds better" and implicitly considering those phrases to be of
Barys Enharmonic mode from low ZW flat.
D. Paikopoulos
[rm] (from
b) and those that do PA all the way (Karas et al for instance)
arguing that the basis of the mode is PA and therefore the ison
should be PA. The relative dissonance of PA-ZW flat, they say, gives
this mode its special colour.
Prof. Gr. Stathis
Alleluiarion in Plagal First Mode "Pentaphonos"
[doc, 83 Kb]
(offered by S. Gugushvili)
What do they do in the
Patriarchate? Mt Athos? Does anyone know?
The following Kalophonic Heirmos is in this mode too:
"Efrikse Ge ..."
by Protopsaltis Panagiotis Halatzoglou, (17th c).,
Plagal First Mode Pentaphonos (so called "Enharmonic")
Th. Stanitsas
[ rm, 2
(from ieropsaltis.com)
X. Taliadoros
[rm, ]
(from ieropsaltis.com)