Θρασύβουλος Στανίτσας / Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas
Άρχων Πρωτοψάλτης της Μεγάλης του Χριστού Εκκλησίας / Archon Protopsaltis of the Great Church of Christ

(photo offered by Nikolaos Giannou, click for original size)
Βιογραφικά / Biographical
The most extensive biography of Stanitsas has been published by his fan Christos Tsiounis in a book available from on-line bookstores like this [html]. The book is accompanied by a CD containing an interview with Stanitsas during the last years of his life as well as a recording of the Cheesfare Sunday of 1972. The book contains many pages of photos covering the whole life of the Protopsaltis.
For on-line biographies see cmkon.org [htm] and ec-patr.net [htm]
Η σχολή Στανίτσα / Stanitsas' school of thought
Some of the many people associated or influenced by Stanitsa's performance style [html]
Τρόπος Διδασκαλίας / Teaching Methodology
The following is a presentation given to the 3rd International Conference of Byzantine Musicology (Athens, 2006) by protopsaltis Athanasios Paivanas, a student of Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas. It gives some insight into the method of teaching of Stanitsas. Thanks to Mr. Paivanas for kindly offering this material for everyone's benefit.

Presentation slides [pdf, 362 Kb]
Presentation text [pdf, 252 Kb]
Presentation recordings [zip, 2 Mb]

Ηχογραφήσεις / Recordings
Εκδόσεις του Κέντρου Παραδοσιακών Μουσικών Εκδόσεων / Publications of the Music Art Centre
Lots of old recordings of Stanitsas have been published the Music Arts Center directed by Christos Tsiounis on CD. We recommend buying the whole series as the recordings there are invaluable. Here is a listing with the track titles of all published CDs so far [html] (the list is now a little out of date as more CDs have been published since). The Music Arts Centre holds the copyright of certain parts of Stanitsas' works.
Εκδόσεις του Μανώλη Χατζηγιακουμή / Publications of Manolis Hatziyiakoumis
Emmanouel Hatziyakoumis recorded many hours of Stanitsas in the last years of his life. The sound quality is excellent (studio recording). Although the voice of the Protopsaltis had deteriorated, his interpretation is captivating. Here is a page by the Metropolis of Patras, Greece describing the series of recordings [html]. We recommend buying the whole series as the recordings there are invaluable.
Άλλες Ηχογραφήσεις / Other recordings
Recordings, biography, photos etc. at cmkon.org
More at ec-patr.net
More at graeca.mrezha.net
Some at orthros.org