Question about recording

Thank you very very very much for this post!!!!! You are one more big evidence for what lm saying for ten years now
Well, look. This is the legetos , what you hear in this recording of Stanitsas and Danielides ,the correct pure legetos . This seems weird to you because you have learned another legetos ...
In conservatories and almost all music schools teach wrong legetos.
Many discussions are for this issue in the greek section of this forum , I also have published a lot of my work and research in my blog, look this diagram here.
Legetos is the ancient hypolydian tone on parypate chord and the indervals are exactly the same as Aristoxenos and all ancient harmony teachers have reported : pa 6 vou 9 ga 15 di 12 ke 6 zo 9 15 pa . This position is the original one , vou a semitone up to pa and vou-di is a major third 24 pieces. In the following diagram you can see the original positions of all the notes including vou:

Check the corrected diagrams of the true intervals based on the ancient Greek music theory by me here
The ancient teachers called legetos because in paralage ,the way we chant transform those intervals . So the di ga vou is getting different . In plagios 4th the di ga vou is small(12 pieces) in second mode in system of the five the di ga vou is neutral third (21 pieces)
For further information don't hesitate to call me ,you can find me in facebook or in skype as evangelos74
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In order to have the original legetos you have to chant correctly the big ga-di or ni-pa interval =15 pieces ! It is 15 pieces, not 12 as all the theory books of last century mention ! Look this thread here, the most important thread περί του διαστήματος Νη Πα
The key of correct chanting is the bigger tone of the tetrachord in order to apply the correct soft diatonic genos
Well, look. This is the legetos , what you hear in this recording of Stanitsas and Danielides ,the correct pure legetos . This seems weird to you because you have learned another legetos ...
In conservatories and almost all music schools teach wrong legetos.
OK I understood. More questions:
1. Step Ga is stable or slightly floating?
2. When does the cadence on the Pa - scale become normal, diatonic?
OK I understood. More questions:
1. Step Ga is stable or slightly floating?
2. When does the cadence on the Pa - scale become normal, diatonic?
1. GA is sliding down when you move from upside down di 15 GA 9 vou
When you go up it is vou 12 GA 12 di. In pentachord whether ke is PA the GA di = zo - ni=9. All these are according to my explanation and research, how I understand the ancient theory
2.the normal scale, the original positions of the notes are in the first schema I have posted. The problem is that the normal now is conflicted with the modulations of parallage
1. GA is sliding down when you move from upside down di 15 GA 9 vou
When you go up it is vou 12 GA 12 di. In pentachord whether ke is PA the GA di = zo - ni=9. All these are according to my explanation and research, how I understand the ancient theory
Yes, now it’s clear. I got the same numbers from the recording. Thanks.
I've already met information about different versions of legetos. Here's another article in the Slovak language. It has slightly different numbers.
I've already met information about different versions of legetos. Here's another article in the Slovak language. It has slightly different numbers.
It has not slightly different numbers but completely different to what I described. 12 is different to 15, the difference is big and critical! This article is based on S. Karas theory which is wrong and rejected by Ecumenical Patriarch
It has not slightly different numbers but completely different to what I described. 12 is different to 15, the difference is big and critical! This article is based on S. Karas theory which is wrong and rejected by Ecumenical Patriarch
They refers to audio recordings of Daravanoglou, Aidonides and Xatzimarkos. I have not yet found another audio recording of legetos in which the VOU-DI interval was 24. It turns out around 21-22. Maybe 24 is an ancient (almost lost) tradition, I don’t know. I have a different goal. But, I just don’t understand: how did the Ecumenical Patriarchate miss such a hole in theory in 1881?
In 19th the mapping of ancient chords to the modern notes ni pa vou ga.. By Chrysanthos and Churmuzios did wrong. Instead of mapping pa to hypate chord they put pa to lichanos chord. The correct mapping is ni for lichanos, not pa! ni-pa is getting bigger not pa - vou! So all the chords have been wrong and the fake result was the ancient Greek music not to much with the modern East Roman chanting! This is completely wrong because it much and everything is going easier to chant by this way.
Legetos major third
Varys vs legetos same major third here is the purpose of major third
Another example by Irineos Bishop of Samos
By the way It is not wrong to chant legetos in small third. Legetos is applied to all thirds, as ancient parallage shows. Legetos is Varys kthird+second) down left circle, also it is plagios second (first +second) up right circle
Legetos major third
Varys vs legetos same major third here is the purpose of major third
Another example by Irineos Bishop of Samos
I looked. The results are not very stable, BOU-DI about 20-24. Center is around 22-23. Maybe this is a “clean” major third 5/4.
I looked. The results are not very stable, BOU-DI about 20-24. Center is around 22-23. Maybe this is a “clean” major third 5/4.
The point is in the same third to be able to chant both scales. The pa vou ga of the first mode can be applied in a minor third only, the ga di ke of the third mode can be applied only in a major third. The second and the forth mode can use all the sizes, they fit in any size of third. So we can have several sizes, it depends on the melody. Plagios forth according to parallage (see above down right circle ) is both third and forth, so it needs major third etc...
All notes are moving (elxis) in order to make symphony each other. The key of harmony is symphony, this is the reason of any modulation
In order to have the original legetos you have to chant correctly the big ga-di or ni-pa interval =15 pieces ! It is 15 pieces, not 12 as all the theory books of last century mention ! Look this thread here, the most important thread περί του διαστήματος Νη Πα
The key of correct chanting is the bigger tone of the tetrachord in order to apply the correct soft diatonic genos
Is there any place where one could hear these correct intervals, as paralagi?
Does anyone know the history behind legetos and how or when it changed? Do conservatories address the situation at all when they teach legetos? We have clear recordings from this century (see earlier posts) so it's not clear to me how the tradition diverged. How common is the larger interval legetos versus the smaller interval legetos in Greece?