Δύναμις Γεωργίου Κρητός / Dynamis of Georgios Kres
Μελέτη / A study
The only Dynamis (apart from the "Syneithismenon") chanted in the Patriarchate.
D. Paikopoulos
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(from cmkon.org)
I. Nafpliotis
(same recording from other soure [mp3])
K. Priggos
(from cmkon.org)
A. Petroxeilos
(from cmkon.org)
G. Karakasis
(from ieropsaltis.com)
Ilias Bogdanopoulos
Archon Hymnographos of the Great Church
(from orthodoxhymns.net)
D. Nerantzis
[mp3, 292 Kb]
(from analogion.net, extracted by S. Gugushvili)