Τυπικόν / Typikon
Ενοριακό, μοναστικό, αγρυπνίας, παλαιά και νέα Τυπικά / Parish, monastic, vigils, older and newer Typika
Φόρουμ συζήτησης / Discussion forums
The forum of analogion.com, Psaltologion, has separate sections in Greek and English language for matters of Typikon.
The international discussion group on Typikon [html]. Discussion language is English. Archives from older dicussions are available on-line. Older archives contain a number of Byzantine chant related topics. Moderated by Ivan Moody.
The analogion.net discussion forum includes topics of Typikon [html]. Discussion language is Greek. Moderated by Panayotis Papadimitriou.
The byzantinechant discussion forum often has discussions related to Typikon issues [html]. Discussion language is English. Moderated by Ivan Moody.
Βιβλία Τυπικού / Typikon books
The Protheoria of the Violakis Typikon in English (translated by Fr. Konstantinos Terzopoulos) [html]
The image files of the Sabbaite Typikon in the first Greek printed edition, done in Venice in 1545, are available by Bill Churchill [html]
  • Τυπικά του A. Dmitriyevskiy (Οpisanie) 1895-1917 (συμπληρωμένα σπό μέλη του Ψαλτολογίου)
    Typika of A. Dmitriyevskiy (Οpisanie) 1895-1917 (completed by members of Psaltologion)
  • Επίσημες Εκκλησιαστικές Εγκύκλιοι / Official church guidelines on service and chanting taxis
    A recent encyclical by the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece recommends the restoration of the proper taxis of the Apostolos in the Liturgy. [html]
    The permanent Holy Synod of the Church of Greece issued an encyclical dated 30/7/2004 which advises the ‘return’ of the Sunday Matins Gospel to its original place, i.e. before the canons. [html]
    Another encyclical of the Holy Synod of Greece on Byzantine Music. [html]
    An older encyclical by the Archbishop of Greece [html]
    Άρθρα και Μελέτες / Articles and Studies
    The issue of Typika and Makarismoi [html]
    "Christos En Polei", relatively unknown katavasiai of the Forefeast of Christmas [html]
    Typikon issues discussed by Panayotis Papadimitriou [html]