Σχολεία Βυζαντινής Μουσικής / Byzantine Music Education Information
This page was initially created to cover the current situation with respect to accreditation
of psaltic knowledge, the teaching centres and a list of teaching/learning materials.
It is largely incomplete at the moment.
The four main patriarchal titles below represent the highest level of psaltic experience
as that was transmitted live in the Great Church for hundreds of years.
Archon Protopsaltis of the Great Church(the right psalti)
Archon First Domestichos of the Great Church (the helper of the right psalti)
Archon Lambadarios of the Great Church (the left psalti)
Archon Second Domestichos of the Great Church (the helper of the left psalti)
Archon Protopsaltis of the Holy Archdioces of Constantinople (honorary title)
Archon Music Teacher (Mousikodidaskalos) of the Great Church(honorary title)
Archon Teacher of the Apostolos (Didaskalos tou Apostolou) of the Great Church (honorary
Archon Hymnodos of the Holy Archdiocese of Constantinople (honorary title)
The following are just degrees that recognise psaltic knowledge that has been previously
(or is being simultaneously) acquired by training on the analogion of a church,
next to a teacher psalti. Courses are available in many (not all) music schools
around Greece:
Certificate of Ieropsaltis (3 year course) Recognising ability to chant.
Degree of Byzantine Music (+2 year course = 5 years in total) Recognising good knowledge
of theory and practice.
Diploma of Byzantine Music (+2 year course = 7 years in total) Recognising advanced
knowledge of theory and practice.
The following course was recently established in Athens Conservatorium (Odeion Athinon)
Post-graduate degree in Byzantine Music (+3 year course) Recognising research in
advanced musicological topics of Byzantine Music.
The following may not reflect psaltic experience although they typically do.
Degree in Byzantine Musicology (4 year course)
PhD in Byzantine Musicology (indefinite duration)
Professor/Lecturer/etc. of Byzantine Musicology (Last time I checked there were
no other postgrad courses than PhD, there may be now.)
Here I will include details (addresses, numbers, fees) etc. mainly of Byzantine
music schools that provide official accredication (recognised by either the Church
or the Greek State, or both).
Courses run by Holy (Arch)Dioceses
Byzantine Music School of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia
The Byzantine Music School of the Holy Metropolis of Ilia, Greece
Courses run by private or public music schools
Athens Conservatorium
Fillippos Nakas Conservatorium.
Nikos Skalkotas Conservatorium
The following submitted by Bogdan Blandu
Aristotelian University (Thessaloniki): (post graduate program-research and teaching
byzantine, post-byzantine and traditional musical repertoire) Staff: Leonidas Asteris,
Harilaos Taliadoros, Dimitrios Sourlantzis, Antonios Alygizakis. The course is in
collaboration with the University of Macedonia and the Patriarchal Institute of
Patristic Studies.
University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki): A 4 year course at
www.uom.gr. Teachers are Antonios Alygizakis and Panagiotis Panagiotidis.
Forminx (Athens) : Under the direction of Elias Rediadis-Toumbas - protopsaltis
Address: Korah 50, Moshato, Athens, Greece
National Music University (Bucharest Romania): with byzantine music section
www.unmb.ro . Teaching staff: Archimandrite Sebastian B. Bucur (degree in
Byzantine Music from Thessaloniki with Excellent grades) and archdeacon Gabriel
Oprea (also with a degree in music and a very good psaltis).
School in the UK run by Fr. Iosif Paliouras. It is in North London next to the Parish
of "The Dormition of Panagia". Fr Iosif’s parish of the 12 apostles has his e-mail
12apostles.co.uk. Information
sent by Charalambos.