Which English Translation of The Apostle book?


New member
I am planning on purchasing an English translation of The Apostle book for church reading. Can anyone recommend the best translation?
I am looking at one from St Ignatius Orthodox Press, and another from St Tikhons monastery press. I am unaware of other translations. Thanks
I can't comment on which one is "best". But, I would suggest asking whether your Diocese/Metropolis/Archdiocese has a preferred translation. Some even have a whole list of preferred books to use.

I can also add to your list of available English translations:
Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America: https://store.antiochianvillage.org/The-Book-of-the-Epistles.html
Holy Cross Orthodox Press (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America): https://holycrossbookstore.com/products/apostolos-english