The Mystic Pascha: Byzantine Music for the Feast of the Resurrection and for Great Martyr George


Coming soon: The release of our first printed book from Dynamis Liturgical Collaborative
The Mystic Pascha - Byzantine Music for the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord, and God, and Savior Jesus Christ and for Great Martyr George the Trophy-Bearer
The book will be printed in 8.5"x11" clothbound, and will contain the hymns of Pascha as well as the hymns of Saint George the Trophy-bearer - Attached in the pictures is a table of contents for preview.
To pre-order a copy for $5 off the price of $40, please go to
For any questions on ordering, please feel free to reach us at

This book contains an unauthorized reproduction of my 2008 setting of the Doxastikon of Pascha, which contains several mistakes and was printed without consulting with me in direct violation of the notice at the bottom of my 2008 setting, which explicitly grants permission for liturgical use but not commercial publication:

Copyright © 2008 Basil Crow. Permission to copy for liturgical use.

My 2023 setting of this piece can be found here, and its license similarly stipulates that the material may not be used for commercial purposes without my express authorization.
This book contains an unauthorized reproduction of my 2008 setting of the Doxastikon of Pascha, which contains several mistakes and was printed without consulting with me in direct violation of the notice at the bottom of my 2008 setting, which explicitly grants permission for liturgical use but not commercial publication:

My 2023 setting of this piece can be found here, and its license similarly stipulates that the material may not be used for commercial purposes without my express authorization.
I’m sure it could be arranged to have those pages inked over, scratched out, or similarly defaced beyond legibility in any copies still in the publisher’s possession.