The exegesis of the Fourth mode idiomela of Pentecost of Petros by Georgios Raidestinos


Νέο μέλος
Dear Colleagues,

In the Pentekostarion of Georgios Raidestinos (GR) there are 3 idiomela for the Ainoi of Pentecost in tone 4.

GR says he had transcribed these from the old notation which was used by Petros Lampadarios and GR says he has rendered them into the new notation. They are very beautiful with most endings on Pa but with final on Vou.

However in the Doxastarion of Petros /Kiltzanidou these same idiomela appear in legetos with quite a different melody. Is there and explanation?

I note that many modern books write it the same way. Raidestinos seems to be quite careful in saying that this is how Petros wrote it. Can anyone provide
and explanation?

Regards, John


Δημήτρης Κουμπαρούλης, Administrator
Staff member
I guess that's what happened to the Anastasimatarion tradition too of the stichera of Fourth mode. Petros wrote them in sticheraric Fourth (from PA) however later Patriarchal (and everywhere else) tradition does them in heirmologic Fourth (Legetos). Especially for the long service of Pentecost, with the duplication of those idiomela in the Orthros and Vespers they may have opted for the quicker melodies to save time and energy.