Sunday before Nativity, Kai Nun of Stichon at Vespers


Παλαιό Μέλος
I'm searching for a score for the Kai Nun of the Stichon at Vespers (Ἰδού καιρός ἤγγικε...) for this coming Saturday evening (tonight) and was hoping someone could post a score if they happen to have one.

My search through the forums hasn't yielded anything.

Thank you & Blessed Nativity!

I'm searching for a score for the Kai Nun of the Stichon at Vespers (Ἰδού καιρός ἤγγικε...) for this coming Saturday evening (tonight) and was hoping someone could post a score if they happen to have one.

«Ιδού καιρός ήγγικε της σωτηρίας ημών» is also used as the "Both now" at the Aposticha on December 12 (St Spyridon of Trimythous). You can find the music under that day on pages 152-153 of Mousike Kypsele, Volume I (Constantinople, 1882).

In general, many hymns are repeated during prefestal and postfestal periods; if you're having trouble finding a hymn during such a season, it's usually a good idea to look for it in texts for the surrounding days.
I appreciate it, Basil. Thank you for the tip!

While we're here, do you have any English scores for Royal Hours?

