School of Ecclesiastical Music of Montreal Registrations


Νέο μέλος
School of Ecclesiastical Music of Montreal


Announcement - Registrations

Our School offers training by certified instructors, holders of diplomas in Byzantine Music recognized by the Ministry of Culture (previously by the Ministry of Education) of the Republic of Greece, as well as recognized government institutions of the Republic of Cyprus. Our instructors are experienced teachers and cantors (see here: who have had the privilege to be apprentices of recognized masters in Byzantine Psalmody with many years of service in the Church.

If you wish to know more about us, we invite you to visit our website, We can also be reached directly by email at You will also find information and multimedia material about our organized events held in the past 6 years by our School.

Registrations will last until the end of the second week of October. We welcome you to support our efforts to revive and disseminate this important cultural heritage to the youth of our community and to the community at large.
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