Octoechos 205: Plagal 1st Mode - A Course Offered by the Trisagion School of Byzantine Music


Music Director at St. George, Albuquerque, NM
A happy New Year to all!

In a couple of weeks, I'll be offering a course through the Trisagion School of Byzantine Music entitled "Octoechos 205: Plagal 1st Mode." In this course, we will study Plagal 1st Mode in the context of the Anastasimatarion - the Resurrectional hymns of Saturday night Vespers and Sunday morning Orthros.

Octoechos 205 - Course Outline - smaller.jpg

Additionally, the course contains a "pre-week" of material covering Byzantine Modal Theory that becomes available upon registration for the course. Students can review the material if they know it already, or study it for the first time if their Byzantine Chant education up to that point has not covered these topics. The Overview of Byzantine Modal Theory includes the topics outlined in the 2nd photo below.

Overview of Modal Theory - smaller.jpg

If you'd like to take this course, or if you are interested in taking a look at the other courses offered by our school, you can do so at our Course Catalog page: https://trisagionschool.org/course-catalog/

In Christ,