NEOFIT, Metropolitan, Θεαρχίῳ νεύματι.

π. Μάξιμος

Γενικός Συντονιστής

Σοῦ εἶχα πεῖ γιά ἕνα δίσκο πού ἔχω, ἀπό τριακονταετίας, μέ ὕμνους ἀπό τόν ἐκκλησιαστικό χορό Σόφιας, ὑπό τήν διεύθυνση τοῦ Ἀρχιμ. Νεοφύτου.
Σ᾿ αὐτόν τόν δίσκο ἡ χορῳδία ψάλλει καί τό ὀκτάηχο Θεαρχίῳ νεύματι (Bogonachalnim Manoveniem) τόσο ὡραῖα, πού πάντοτε τό ἀκούω τέτοιον καιρό.

Ἔβαλα πεῖσμα νά ψάξω στό δίκτυο μήπως βρῶ αὐτό τό ἄκουσμα. Τό βρῆκα. Μόνον πού τό ψάλλει μόνος του, ὁ Μητροπολίτης πλέον Νεόφυτος [NEOFIT, Metropolitan of Dorostol and Tcherven (seat in Russe)].

Σ᾿ αὐτήν τήν διεύθυνση, στό 5ο ἠχητικό, πού γράφει Bogonachalnim Manoveniem, πατῆστε τό πράσινο βελάκι στήν ἀρχή (ἤ τό μπλέ), γιά νά κατέβει τό ἄκουσμα. Καί ἀπολαῦστέ τον.

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Ευχαριστούμε, π. Μάξιμε. Πραγματικά μαγευτική, βαθιά φωνή...
ΥΓ Κι αρχίζει από Πα.
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Ευχαριστούμε, π. Μάξιμε. Πραγματικά μαγευτική, βαθιά φωνή...
ΥΓ Κι αρχίζει από Πα.
Βέβαια κι ἐγώ πρώτη φορά τόν ἀκούω ἀπό ἐδῶ μόνον του. Στόν δίσκο πού μνημονεύω δέν ξεχωρίζει. Εἶναι ἡ ἴδια ἀκριβῶς σύνθεση καί ἐκτέλεση, ἀλλά ἀπό πολυμελή χορό, μιά φωνή ὅλοι, πολύ πειθαρχημένοι. Μπορεῖς νά τό φανταστεῖς...

Ο Σεβασμιώτατος Μητροπολίτης Ρούσης κ. Νεόφυτος (τον οποίον είχα την τιμή να γνωρίσω προσωπικώς κατά το πρόσφατο ταξείδι μου) είναι άνθρωπος μεγάλης μουσικής παιδείας και ως λαϊκός και αργότερα ως αρχιμανδρίτης διακόνησε ως καθηγητής της ψαλτικής στο εκκλησιαστικό λύκειο της Σόφιας. Και ο αδερφός του είναι μουσικός, ασχολούμενος όμως μόνον με την ευρωπαϊκή μουσική, χοράρχης της πολυφωνικής χορωδίας στον Πατριαρχικό Ναό του Αγ. Αλεξάνδρου στη Σόφια.

Ξεκινάει το δοξαστικό από Πα, ερμηνεύοντας σύνθεση του εκ Σερρών εξαρχικού μουσικοδιδασκάλου Μανασσή Παπαθεοδώρου (+1938).
Εδώ ο μακαριώτατος πατριάρχης Νεόφυτος (ακόμη ως μητροπολίτης) ερμηνεύει την αρχή του καλοφωνικού ειρμού "Ίδού μετανοίας διδάσκαλος", ήχος δ΄ λέγετος, καλοφωνικού ειρμού προς τιμήν του Οσίου Ιωάννη της Ρίλας, ποίημα των Ριλιωτών μουσικοδιδασκάλων ιερομονάχων Νεοφύτου και Αθανασίου. Το επίλοιπο ψάλλει ο χορός των ιερέων της Μητροπόλεως Σόφιας υπό τη δνση του π. Κυρίλλου Ποπόφ.
Και εδώ ένα άξιον εστί. και εδώ τον ειρμό Ο άγγελος εβόα.

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Αντιοχείας και Βουλγαρίας πρώην δάσκαλοι ψαλτικής. Τι λέτε, να εισηγηθούμε να γίνει προαπαιτούμενο για εκλογή προκαθημένων;:):):)
...τό ὀκτάηχο Θεαρχίῳ νεύματι (Bogonachalnim Manoveniem) ...τό ψάλλει μόνος του,

Σοῦ εἶχα πεῖ γιά ἕνα δίσκο πού ἔχω, ἀπό τριακονταετίας, μέ ὕμνους ἀπό τόν ἐκκλησιαστικό χορό Σόφιας, ὑπό τήν διεύθυνση τοῦ Ἀρχιμ. Νεοφύτου.
Σ᾿ αὐτόν τόν δίσκο ἡ χορῳδία ψάλλει καί τό ὀκτάηχο Θεαρχίῳ νεύματι (Bogonachalnim Manoveniem) τόσο ὡραῖα, πού πάντοτε τό ἀκούω τέτοιον καιρό.
Βρῆκα καί τοῦ χοροῦ, ἀκριβῶς τόν δίσκο πού ἔχω !

Unfortunately, he is no longer with us. He died in the military hospital of Sofia on 13 March, 10:30 pm local time. He was in intensive care since November 2023.

Today was the funeral, and many Bulgarians came to the Nevski cathedral to honour his memory:
The ceremony yesterday:

It might be an idea to memorise here his skills and his importance for the Bulgarian tradition of psaltic art.
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Neofit became rather late a monk, when he was 30 years old. His secular name was Symeon Dimitrov. He grew up with the tradition since he entered with 14 years the Theological Seminary of St. John of Rila which was moved to the Čerepiš Monastery in 1959. In 1968, his brother Dimitĕr founded the Chamber Choir "Ioan Kukuzel Angeloglasinyat". Here is a digitised copy of a well-known record of this choir under the title "Early chants of the Bulgarian Church":
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My own field recording at Troyanski Manastir made on 19 August 2003. In those years Neofit was still Metropolit of Russe and he accompanied seminarists to the same monastery where he was once ordained as monk in 1975. Each seminarist could ask him to sing a certain piece he wished to learn, another day the seminarist had to sing the piece (he sang it on 18 August, and Neofit the following day). This one is a heirmos kalophonikos Се покаяния учителя composed in echos legetos (Glas 4) dedicated to the feast of Ioan Rilski, the founder of Rilski Manastir. Thus,18 August was Ioan Rilski's birthday.

In the official book it is ascribed to Neofit Rilski, the famous monk who designed Bulgarian education and introduced Old Church Slavonic at the Greek seminaries of the Balkans, he also taught this language at the Patriarchal University on the island of Halki (Heybeliada).

Svetlana Kujumdžieva wrote me that this composition is documented in 13 chant manuscripts of the Rila school (usually with an own teretismos). Six of them ascribe it to Atanasiy Rilski, two to Neofit Rilski, while five do not mention any composer. Thus, we can be sure that it was composed in Rila and according to a famous model in echos legetos by Petros Bereketis which uses the medieval first ode of the heirmos in diatonic echos devteros Ἐν βυθῷ κατέστρωσε ποτὲ. Very likely Atanasiy was the real composer of the Rila school.


  • neofit.mp3
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Two old recordings by the opera singer Michail Svĕtlev made at Sedemte Prestola Manastir ("Seven Altars Monastery") close to the Gabrovnitsa river (between Sofia and Vratsa Province) in 1977, and at Čerepiški Manastir (also in Vratsa) in 1989 where both were educated as seminarists:
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Βρῆκα καί τοῦ χοροῦ, ἀκριβῶς τόν δίσκο πού ἔχω !

The CD "Life and Orthodox chant—Neofit, Metropolitan of Russe" was released in 2004

This compilation does not use the order of the tracks as they follow on this CD:

1) Doxastikon oktaechon Богоначальнымъ мановенiемъ (Θεαρχίῳ νεύματι) in Glas 1 (short version of Todorov's Mineynik, М 320) for Hesperinos preceding 15 August (dormition of the Theotokos/Bogoroditsa)

2) Обѧтиꙗ отча (Ἀγκάλας πατρικάς) in Glas 6 (kathisma katanyktiko/sedalen after the third ode of the canon, originally the prooimion of the kontakion-proshomoion according ликоу аггельскоу in Glas 1 known from folio 79 verso of the Tipografsky Ustav, on Sunday of the Prodigal Son, 9 weeks preceding Easter)

3) Heirmos kalophonikos Се покаѧниѧ оучителѧ in Glas 4 (echos legetos) in memory of Sv. Ivan Rilski (18 August & 19 October) (L 285, ascribed to Neofit Rilski)

4) Cherouvikon in Glas 1 (Bĕlgarski razpev)

5) Doxastikon Господи ꙗже во многiѧ грѣхи впадшаѧ жена (κύριε ἡ ἐν πολλαῖς ἁμαρτίαις περιπεσοῦσα γυνή) in Glas 8 for Orthros of Holy Wednesday (troparion by St Kassia, ἅγια κασσιανή. Св. Касия)

6) Heirmos Достойно есть (Ἄχιον ἔστιν) in Glas 6 sung during the divine liturgy (oral tradition of Široka Laka in the Rhodope mountains)

7) Doxastikon oktaechon Богоначальнымъ мановенiемъ in Glas 1 (short version)

8) Аггелъ вопiѧже (Ὁ ἄγγελος ἐβὸα) Easter sticheron in Glas 1 for Orthros

9) Doxastikon Тебе ѡдѣющагосѧ (Σὲ τὸν ἀναβαλλόμενον φῶς) in Glas 5 for Hesperinos of Good Friday

10) Heirmos kalophonikos Не тлѣнiѧ искоушенiемъ рождшаѧ (Μὴ τῆς φθορᾶς) in Glas 7 for Pentecost by Balasios the Priest (L 288)

11) Doxastikon Покаѧнiѧ ѡтверзими (Τῆς μετανοίας ἄνοιξόν μοι) in Glas 8 and psalm 50 in Glas 6 for Orthros (U 1-4)

The letters refer to the standard editions used by Neofit and officially reprinted by the Holy Synod, the following numbers refer to the pages:
M: Manasiy Pop Todorov, ed., Псалтикийна Минейник Сѫдѫржащ всичките самогласни стихири, слави, тропари, величания и кондаци на всичките Господски и Богорочники праздници и празднуеми през цялата година (Sofia: Pečadnica «Pravo», 1922).
L: Manasiy Pop Todorov, ed., Псалтикийна Литургия На Св. Св. Иоанна Златоуста, Василия Велики и Григория Двоеслова (Sofia: Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, 1905).
U: Manasiy Pop Todorov, ed., Псалтикиина Утренна, repr. (Sofia: Sinodalno Izdatelstvo, 1992).

The same version is sung by the Sofia Choir of the Priests conducted by Neofit (first row, fourth from the left). His name was still Simeon Nikolov Dimitrov who started on 1 September 1973 as professor for cathedral chant at the Academy Sv. Kliment Ohridski, after he had returned from Moscow. As such he conducted the choir of the theological students. Since this recording was published in 1980, he was already archimandrite Neofit (1977 at the Sv. Nedelya cathedral). After the fall of the wall, Neofit became rector of the Sofia Academy of Theology Sv. Kliment Ohridski, and in 1992, after it was re-associated to the University (which has now as whole institution the name "Sv. Kliment Ohridski"), dean of the Faculty of Theology.

It is still the simplest version of the Psaltikinen' Mineynik, while the much less known edition by Petĕr Sarafov has three alternative versions:
1) the one by Gregorios the Protopsaltes (pp. 298-308),
2) Iakovos' version taken from the printed Doxastarion argon edition by Chourmouzios, adapted to Old Church Slavonic without changing any note (pp. 308-315),
3) a third version by Georgiy Protopsalt of Lozengrad (Gr. Σαράντα Εκκλησιές, Tk. Kırklareli) (pp. 316-321).

S: Petĕr V. Sarafov, Рѫководство За Практическото и Теоретическо Изучване На Восточната Църковна Музика [Includes an Anthology Dedicated to Ioan Kukuzel with Menaion, a Voskresnik, and an Anthology for Utrenna and the Divine Liturgies] (Sofia: Peter Gluškov, 1912).
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