Metered translation of the Praises for the Apostle Luke (October 18)?

πρ. ιερεμίας

Hello! The Menaion for October 18 gives three prosomoia of Νεφέλην σε φωτός (ήχος α') for the Praises. This being a rare prosomoion, Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Menaion has an unmetered translation for these hymns, while Fr. Seraphim's translation changes the meter to Πανεύφημοι μάρτυρες. Does anyone know of a translation for these hymns that is properly metered for Νεφέλην σε φωτός?
From the Monastery of Saint Andrew the First Called of Manchester, England. Part of the Greek Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain. Translations of our Orthodox liturgical and patristic texts in English by Archimandrite Ephrem Lash (†). (not working)

At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera and sing the following Prosomia.

Tone 1.

Believers, in hymns let us honour Christ’s Disciple, wise writer of the Gospel,fair living imprint of the vessel of election, whose praise is in all the Churches, Lukethe Apostle. For he proclaimed the marvellous wonders of God, enlightening those on earthwith beams of theology through grace.

Wise Apostle, having learnt the skill of healing souls above that of bodies, infusedwith the wisdom of God you were revealed as outstanding in both. By it you heal both soulsand bodies, all-blessed Luke. Each day you summon mortals to knowledge and give them wingstowards the love of God; you lead them up to heaven and you intercede for those who singyour praise.

With a rational hook you drew to divine knowledge those who like fish had sunk in thedeep of ignorance, and you offered them to Christ as a fair dish, all-blessed one; andthey received outstanding honour: the life that is unsullied and unending. So too you werenamed an Apostle of Christ, wise Evangelist and writer of the works of Grace realised inacts.


Also, from

On the Praises, 4 stichera, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: “Thee, the cloud of the Light…” —

O ye faithful, in hymns let us honor the Apostle Luke, the disciple of Christ, the most wise recorder of the Gospel, the beautiful chosen vessel, the animate image, the boast of all the Churches; for he preached the all-glorious miracles of God, enlightening those on earth with the rays of theology for the sake of goodness.

Mastering the healing of souls more than the skill of healing bodies, O wise one, inspired by the wisdom of God, thou wast shown to be excellent at both. And healing souls and bodies thereby, O most blessed Luke, thou dost call men to knowledge, dost soar aloft to the desire of God, and ever leadest men into heaven; and thou prayest for all who praise thee.

With the hook of the word hast thou drawn forth like fish unto the knowledge of God those who entered into the abyss of ignorance. And thou didst offer to Christ goodly food, O all-blessed and most sacred Luke: fitting honor and an incorrupt life. Wherefore, thou wast an apostle of Christ, a wise herald and a recounter of the active workings of grace.
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Hello! The Menaion for October 18 gives three prosomoia of Νεφέλην σε φωτός (ήχος α') for the Praises. This being a rare prosomoion, Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Menaion has an unmetered translation for these hymns, while Fr. Seraphim's translation changes the meter to Πανεύφημοι μάρτυρες. Does anyone know of a translation for these hymns that is properly metered for Νεφέλην σε φωτός?