Final repetition of the threefold Alleluia in the Evlogitaria


Παλαιό Μέλος
I'm curious about the last repetition of the threefold Alleluia in the Evlogitaria of the Reposed. Most musical scores just give a threefold «Αλληλούια, αλληλούια, αλληλούια. Δόξα σοι ο Θεός», but I've heard many Greek chanters alter the last repetition to «Αλληλούια, αλληλούια, αλληλούια. Δόξα σοι ο Θεός, και ανάπαυσον τον δούλον σου». Can someone explain this practice in more detail with regard to both the Funeral Service proper and the Trisagion Prayers?

In a similar vein, Arabic chanters always render the last repetition of the threefold Alleluia in the normal Sunday Evlogitaria as «Αλληλούια, αλληλούια, αλληλούια. Δόξα σοι ο Θεός. Η ελπίς ημών, Κύριε, δόξα σοι.» I've never heard this practice among Greeks, who just sing «Αλληλούια, αλληλούια, αλληλούια. Δόξα σοι ο Θεός» in the final repetition on Sundays. Can someone explain this divergence in practice from a historical perspective? From a philosophical perspective, which practice is more correct?
... but I've heard many Greek chanters alter the last repetition to «Αλληλούια, αλληλούια, αλληλούια. Δόξα σοι ο Θεός, και ανάπαυσον τον δούλον σου». ...

Although I've personally never heard it, I've found it in this publication (p.3 of the PDF, excerpt of Violakis' Typikon).
Related discussion here.
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