Chrysanthos claims that in Iakovos' Protopsaltis Doxastikon "To tritto tis erotiseos" the pitch of the basis of a mode changes slightly because of intermediate modulations during the piece as summarized here.
Here George Michalakis thoroughly debunks this example. His conclusion is completely justified and accurate:
George goes on to postulate that:
This seems plausible to me but I would like to see the evidence for this. Is there another classical piece that does illustrate this effect? This would be of use to those who are implementing digital playback of Byzantine music in software.
Here George Michalakis thoroughly debunks this example. His conclusion is completely justified and accurate:
"The way the score has been handed down to us, there is NO Dynamis: A “dynamis”, by definition, requires that 1) the pitch of some INITIAL note (let’s say BOU in the above example) DROPS because of modulation in UNCOMMON (differently pitched) notes AND 2) that this drop be remedied by the addition of an extra tone in the end of the score. In the above score, there is NO drop of BOU, just simply a PARACHORDI PLUS pitch upheaval."
George goes on to postulate that:
Chrysanthos is simply citing the WRONG example to illustrate the “DYNAMIS” effect (according to his definition).
This seems plausible to me but I would like to see the evidence for this. Is there another classical piece that does illustrate this effect? This would be of use to those who are implementing digital playback of Byzantine music in software.