Christmas katavassies


Νέο μέλος
This is other redaction of the Christmas katavassies, we believe closer to the original published by Ecumenical Patriarchate 1903 Irmologion by Ioannis Protopsaltis. However basis of this redaction was also used the present one by Manasij Pop Todorov publicated by the Bulgarian Patriarchate. Hope that the musikologiotates psaltes of this forum will find for kind to like this modest work.

Two attachments follow: first with byzantine notation and the second one translated with western notation. All explanations (footnotes) for now are given on modern macedonian language (FYR of Macedonia).


  • XPICTOC razhdaetsja.pdf
    256.5 KB · Views: 95
  • Katavasia XPICTOC razhdaetsja (western notation).pdf
    616.4 KB · Views: 77