Aposticha Doxastikon for St Artemius Oct. 20


Νέο μέλος
Does anyone have access to a score (in Greek) of the Doxastikon at the Aposticha of Vespers for St. Artemius on October 20? In Mousike Kypsele it has his Kekragaria Doxastikon (2nd Mode), but then it goes on to give hymns for St. Matrona and St. Gerasimos, with no more mention of St. Artemius. However, in the Menaion (http://analogion.gr/glt/texts/Oct/20.uni.htm) for St. Artemius, there is an Aposticha Doxastikon in Plagal 2nd. If you have this, or know where to find it, please let me know. Thanks!
Dear Anthony, you can find this particular Doxastikon set in music by Konstantinos Lambrou here. There is even more music for St Artemios in the Greek section of Psaltologion under the appropriate topic (Music Scores -> Eortologion-Doxastarion -> October 20) here.
Wow, thank you for the quick and very helpful responses! These links were exactly what I was looking for.