The Style of Kabarnos Nikodimos


Παλαιό Μέλος
Greetings All

Want to ask about the music style of famous chanter Kabarnos Nikodimos

I listened his chants, and the same chants from another chanters
And I noticed a little difference in melody, ison, and ornaments

Also I found some neumes, but I can't fallow them, listening Kabarnos

I would like to know a little about the style of Kabarnos
And the other styles of Orth. Chant in Greece

Maybe some link about Kabarnos in English lang.

Thank you Always


Χρῆστος Τσακίρογλου
The style of this chanter basically has its basics at T. Basilikos sounds, but let’s say a bit farther… In general this style of chanting (not T. Basilikos in general, but f. Nikodimos in partycular) is very far away from the traditional style that we hear from the I. Nafpliotis or K. Priggos and other chanters from Constantinople or mound Athos. I agree if someone says that his chant is beautiful for the ears, or that his voice is great (I can’t agree more myself), but it has many idioms from other music worlds in his way of chanting, and that makes it hardly Byzantine, for my opinion anyway.

If you want to find more for the style of chanting in the Orthodoxe Church, i would recommend you these topics to make a search (for a start at least :)):

Where you can hear not only a beautiful voice that sings nice with lyrics from the holy poets of Orthodox Church, but the use of the real and true byzantine music as an instrument of prayer. An instrument far more deap and full of the pulse than must vibrates and moves not only the ear but the soul itself.

Nikolaos Giannoukakis

Παλαιό Μέλος
Fr. Nikodemos has a rare, mellifluous voice with beautiful articulative ability. He is obviously inspired by the poetry and hence, he uses this God-sent gift to interpret the poetry.

In this interpretation, the words are lost. The listener is drawn to the articulations, the expressiveness and once the performance is over, the listener often cannot remember the words.

This is contrary to the fundamental tenets of Orthodox hymnology where music emphasises the word so that the poem and its meaning stand out.

The long line of chantors of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople should be the reference point of traditional Byzantine chant. Then, the chantors of old time (1950s) who came from Constantinople to Greece.

There is a tremendous amount of audio material here in Psaltologion.

Many times, a sweet dessert is appealing and one rushes to eat it.

It does not mean it is healthy for the diet.



Παλαιό Μέλος
Does hi (Kabarnos) chant written neumes as they are written ?

For example, apolitikon of transfiguration
I saw great difference in melody and ison

But I am not familiar with greek heratage of neumes
I mean, do you have in Greece more written neumes for chants ?

So you can choose one way or another to chant same apolitikon or any other chant?


Χρῆστος Τσακίρογλου
For hymns like apolytikia, the base of the melody is one and the tradition keep it safe all these years. Many times and at some points of a music line the chanter choose another way of accentuation but this is a result of the way this art stays all these sentures. Fron mouth to mouth.