Στυλιανός Τσολακίδης / Stylianos Tsolakidis
Πρωτοκανονάρχος του Ιακώβου Ναυπλιώτη / First Kanonarchos of Iakovos Nafpliotis
(click for larger)

Most of the material on this page was kindly offered by G. K. Michalakis' a student of Tsolakidis for 7 years in Montreal, Canada. A biography (in Greek) and some more info in G. K. Michalakis' tribute to his teachers. (in English).


Interview to GKM (excerpt)
[mp3, 960 Kb]
Among other things he talks about his teachers Nafpliotis and Vinakis.

The following excerpts were recorded in Sparti, Laconia, Province of the Peloponnesos Region, in the church of Agios Spyridon during the 1970's by friends and admirer chanters of the late A' Canonarch. Tsolakidis was in his 70s.

The recordings have been published at psaltopedia [html] For more details on the recordings search for "Tsolakidis" in the psaltopedia listing [html] (posted by his student G. K. Michalakis). Here is a copy of published Tsolakidis' recordings for convenience:

"Agios agios" (St. Basil's Liturgy)
[mp3, 1.4 Mb]
Notice the syneptygmenos chronos of the interpretation

Koinonikon "Aineite", First Mode
[wma, 346 Kb]
Notice the rhythmic performance. Notice how the beginning of the piece sounds a little bit like Second soft chromatic mode.

Doxastikon "Ede Vaptetai" (Great Friday)
[mp3, 3.3. Mb]
Notice the high pitch basis chosen. The missing end is chanted by his student G. K. Michalakis.

Leitourgika in Kliton
[mp3, 412 Kb]
Traditional interpretation. Notice the intervals.

"Ton Lesten Authemeron" (Exaposteilarion of Great Friday)
[mp3, 1 Mb]
Notice the nice intervals and the variation of theseis between repetitions of the piece.

"Tin Gar Sin Mitran" (St Basil's Liturgy)
[mp3, 1.7 Mb]
See comparison page on the analogion.

"Theotoke Parthene" (excerpt) of P. Bereketis
[mp3, 7.2. Mb]
Notice the syneptygmenos counting of the kratema.

Axion Estin Anonymou
[mp3, 1.1 Mb]

Apostolos (Epistle) Ekphonetic Recitation
[mp3, 4 Mb]
His specialty being a First Canonarchos.

"Doxa Soi"
[mp3, 900 Kb]
[mp3, 470 Kb]
Notice the unusually high pitch at the limits of his voice.

Dynamis of Simon Avagianos
part I [mp3, 1.4 Mb]
part II [mp3, 1.3 Mb]
part III [mp3, 1.9 Mb]
part IV [mp3, 166 Kb]

Kyrie Eleison of Neleus Kamarados
Tripla [mp3, 900 Kb]
Neleus was one of Tsolakidis' teachers.

Kyrie Eleison (Onoufriou Byzantiou)
Tripla [mp3, 850 Kb]