Δημήτριος Σουρλαντζής / Dimitrios Sourlantzis
Archon Music Teacher of the Great Church of Christ
Autographed image of Dimitrios Sourlantzis offered by Basilios Psilacos. Click for larger.
Βιογραφία/ Biography
Dimitrios Sourlantzis (+2006) was one of the most well known psaltai and teachers in Greece during late 20th century. He was primarily the student of a Constantinopolitan psaltis (Dimitrios Stratilatis) and subsequently of Konstantinos Psahos (2 years) in Athens. He left a rich collection of compositions and a respectable number of students. He published only one book, the Divine Liturgy, in which he presented original compositions based on classical formulae.
See tribute on ieropsaltis.com (in Greek)
Μουσικά Κείμενα / Scores
The following score is typed up from a previously unpublished manuscript of the late teacher, by his student Basilios Psilacos who kindly offered it for the benefit of all psaltai. The music material found in this score was recorded by Sourlantzis in 1964 and is also published below.
[pdf, 523 Kb] (A5 booklet version)

Note: The copyright of this publication is reserved but copying for non-commercial purposes is allowed.

Ηχογραφήσεις / Recordings
The following rare recordings are published for the first time ever thanks to the kind offer of Basilios Psilacos, a student of the late teacher. They were done in 1964 by Sourlantzis for the benefit of his students.
Στιχηρά / Stichera [html]
Καθίσματα / Kathismata [html]
Εξαποστειλάρια / Exaposteilaria [html]
Κοντάκια / Kontakia [html]
Απολυτίκια / Apolytikia [html]