Μωσής Τω Καιρώ Της Εγκρατείας / Mosis To Kairo Tis Engrateias
Σύγκριση εκτελέσεων στο Δοξαστικό της Κυριακής της Ορθοδοξίας / A comparative study
of performance styles of the Doxastikon of the Sunday of Orthodoxy
Ηχογραφήσεις / Recordings
Patriarchal style
Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas. Notice the evolution of the style
over the years.
rm] (live recording
from the Patriarchate, 1963, from users.hol.gr)
rm] (live recording
from Agios Demetrios, 1968, from users.hol.gr)
mp3] (old age recording, from the CD series of Manolis Hatziyiakoumis)
Leonidas Asteris
(live recording from the Patriarchate, 2003, from ec-patr.net)
rm] (live recording
from the Patriarchate, 2005, from ec-patr.net, notice the unusually slow tempo)
Thessaloniki style
Harilaos Taliadoros [
Other recordings
Demosthenis Paikopoulos [
Western-influenced style
Pavlos Fortomas' choir [
Simon Karas' style
Dimitrios Galanis [
mp3] (broadcasted by Georgios Konstantinou)
Ηχογραφήσεις / Scores