Κωνσταντίνος Κατσούλης / Konstantinos Katsoulis
Ο πρωτοψάλτης και το έργο του / The protopsaltis and his legacy

(click for larger)
Biographical tribute in Greek poorly scanned from the magazine "O Psaltis".
page 1 [jpg, 500 Kb]
page 2 [jpg, 250 Kb]
Well known Protopsaltis, choir director and music teacher from Athens Greece. One
of the first (if not the first) to record the whole of the two most basic psaltic
books in both parallage and melos. We recommend these recordings to everyone.
Anastasimatarion/Heirmologion CDs/DVDs
(info by A. Andreou)
The recordings of the Anastasimatarion and Heirmologion in
both melos and parallage by Konstantinos Katsoulis are available from his son. His
name and address are as follows:
Labros Katsoulis
Agiou Georgiou 78
Neo Psychiko
15451 Athens
Tel. +30 210-6710-368

Some of these recordings are samples from the DVDs
above, published here with the kind permission of Mr. Lambros Katsoulis the
son of the late protopsaltis.
Kekragarion First Mode
Melos [mp3, 360 Kb]
Parallage [mp3, 700 Kb]
Katavasiai of Theophaneia
Vythou Anekalypse (Melos) [mp3, 750 Kb]
Vythou Anekalypse/Stivei Thallases (Parallage/Theoretical comments) [mp3, 750 Kb]
Audio lesson on rhythm and the counting of chronos
He describes haplos and syneptygmenos rhythm [mp3, 1.1 Mb]
Sample from his choir work
Prosomoion "Poiois Eufemiwn" (Second mode) [mp3, 500 Kb]
(broadcasted by L. Angelopoulos/K. Angelidis on the radio)

Comments on Katsoulis' lesson on Syneptygmenos by G. K. Michalakis [html]