Επεφάνης σήμερον / Epefanis Simeron
Περί του ήχου αυτού του κοντακίου / On the mode of this kontakion
The Exaposteilarion "Epefanis simeron" as chanted be Simon Karas on www.ecclesia.gr. His version is singificantly different than the received oral tradition. Listen to it here [asf]
Ioannis Arvanitis (answer in byzantinechant discussion forum): This (in Legetos) is not Karas' own version but the classic version found in the music books (Heirmologia by Ioannis and Petros but also in the books eg. of Priggos). The received tradition (where the first phrases coincide with that of "H Parthenos shmeron") is in fact closer to the old music of this hymn, as it is found in Mss of th 13th-15th cent. So, it is, in this sense, "more correct". But in the Heirmologion of Balasios the opposite happens: "H Parthenos shmeron" is written in Legetos! For both, the first phrases of the old versions started from Pa and ended on Ni; they had the same or almost the same music. So, if we adhere to the books (s. above) we'll sing it in Legetos, if we follow the received tradition, in fact we resurrect partly the original melody!