His biography(in Greek) as it appears in his books.

Magazine: Boudouris' famous article in
Orthodoxia Magazine of the EP back in
1937. An insider's description of the background, functioning and
responsibilities of the musical choirs of the Patriarchate. [pdf,7 Mb]
to the Patriarch: Angelos Boudouris wrote this to the
Patriarch Fotios in 1931 as a
desperate plea to save Byzantine Music as it had been preserved in the
Patriarchate till then. He describes what needs to be done to
save Byzantine Music
tradition. The most important thing, after oral
transmission of tradition is to scientifically systematise the theory
and study of
the music. [pdf,3.7 Mb]

Scores of the 50th Psalm and Lenten Pentekostaria
Kyrie eleison by Gregorios Protopsaltis
The common version of Axion estin in the Plagal Second Mode [jpg]
Opening part of Anothen oi Profitai [jpg]
Analytic score of Ton Despotin as I. Nafpliotis would chant it [jpg]
Condensed version of Ton Despotin [jpg]
Analytic version of Te Ypermaho as I. Nafpliotis would chant it [jpg]
The first idiomelon of the Triodion Me proseuxometha [jpg]
The idiomelon of the Triodion To stadion ton areton
[1] [2]
Translations from his book Introduction to Byzantine Music (ÅéóáãùãÞåéò ôçíÂõæáíôéíÞíÌïõóéêÞí) [html]
Translations from his book Musicological Memoirs (ÌïõóéêïëïãéêÜÁðïìíçìïíåýìáôá) [html]
Translations from his book Music Review (ÌïõóéêïêñéôéêÜ) [html]
Scans from his book Music Lessons (ÌïõóéêÜÌáèÞìáôá) [pdf]which contains:
- evidence that he was an exegetis (transcriber from the old (Petros') notation)
- repetitive transcriptions of "Ex Ypsous Katilthes" including a version by I. Nafpliotis.
- triple "Agios Kyrios" as chanted in the Patriarchate
- 2nd Eothinon ("Meta myrwn") without Deuteroprotos
- Apolytikion of first mode ("Tou Lithou") with alternative theseis
Plus a condensed version of Triadikon"Axion Estin"
Xristos Anesti fastand slow
KekragarionFirst Mode and esperia according to the tradition of Manouel Protopsaltis