Most modes of Byzantine Chant has ancient names and apechemata that match those
names. For instance First mode's ancient name is "Ananes", Second mode's ancient
name is "Neanes" and so on. Those old names fell into misuse with time, especially
after the introduction of the new method of the Three Teachers (1814). Most psaltai
do a simple "Ne" at the beginning of some chants and even that they do not consistently
(some times they do it, others they don't). The issue here is about Fourth mode
Sticheraric (FMS). FMS is one of three branches of Fourth mode for two of
which we have well known ancient names "Agia" and "Legetos". However, when it comes
to FMS, all psaltai do a simple Ne on PA (some even on BOY but that's another topic).
Simon Karas supported the view that the apechema of FMS should be "Agia" as well.
He doesn't really justify why. Probably influenced by Chrysanthos who says that
there are two types of "Agia" mode, from DI and from PA (from memory, I could be
remembering wrong). So many Karas followers do "Agia" on PA, causing controversy
between other psaltai who expect a simple Ne. Karas also used the slow apechema
for FMS starting from low DI and finishing on PA again with the word "Agia". Here
it is, as done by the Batopediou Fathers [mp3, 120 Kb]. I am not sure what Maistores (Gr. Stathis) do.
Is there an ancient name for FMS and if yes, what is it?