Forum read-only during Holy Week


Δημήτρης Κουμπαρούλης, Administrator
Staff member
Hi all, for practical and symbolic reasons, the forum will be read-only during Holy Week. Personal messages and downloading material will be available as usual. New posts will appear after Pascha.

Wishing a blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all.
Hi all, for practical and symbolic reasons, the forum will be read-only during Holy Week (from Palm Sunday evening (EST) to Pascha Sunday evening. Personal messages and downloading material will be available as usual. New posts by members will appear again after Pascha.

Wishing a blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all!
Hi all, like every year for practical and symbolic reasons, the forum will be read-only during Holy Week (from Palm Sunday evening (EST) to Pascha Sunday evening. Personal messages and downloading material will be available as usual. New posts by members will appear again after Pascha.

Wishing a blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all!
The forum is now closed for new messages until Pascha. May we all have a blessed Holy Week and Resurrection!
For those awaiting registration, I hope to get to it one of the next days. Thank you for your patience.
Hi all, like every year for practical and symbolic reasons, the forum will be read-only during Holy Week (from Palm Sunday evening (EST) to Pascha Sunday evening. Personal messages and downloading material will be available as usual. New posts by members will appear again after Pascha.

Wishing a blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all!
Hi all, like every year for practical and symbolic reasons, the forum will be read-only during Holy Week (from Palm Sunday evening (EST) to Pascha Sunday evening. Personal messages and downloading material will be available as usual. New posts by members will appear again after Pascha.

Wishing a blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all!

A blessed Holy Week to all my brother Psaltai on the forum. May you all chant well and with good voice. Καλη Δυναμη! Καλη Ψαλτικη! Καλω Πασχα! Καλη Ανασταση! ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ!

John Peter Presson
Protopsaltis of the Metropolis of Portland and the Western United States
Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians in the United States
Dear all, like every year for practical and symbolic reasons, the forum will be read-only during Holy Week (from Palm Sunday evening (EST) to Pascha Sunday evening. Personal messages and downloading material will be available as usual. New posts by members will appear again after Pascha.

Wishing a blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all!
Dear all, like every year for practical and symbolic reasons, the forum will be read-only during Holy Week (from Palm Sunday evening (EST) to Pascha Sunday evening. Personal messages and downloading material will be available as usual. New posts by members will appear again after Pascha.

Wishing a blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all!
Dear all, like every year for practical and symbolic reasons, the forum will be read-only during Holy Week (from Palm Sunday evening to Pascha Sunday evening. Personal messages and downloading material will be available as usual. New posts by members will appear again after Pascha.

Wishing a blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all!
Dear all, like previous years for practical and symbolic reasons, the forum will be read-only during Holy Week (from Palm Sunday evening to Pascha Sunday evening. Personal messages and downloading material will be available as usual. New posts by members will appear again after Pascha.

Wishing a blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all!
Dear all, just like in previous years for practical and symbolic reasons, the forum will be read-only during Holy Week (from Palm Sunday evening to Pascha Sunday evening. Personal messages and downloading material will be available as usual. New posts by members will appear again after Pascha.

Wishing a blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all!
Dear all, for practical and symbolic reasons, the forum will be read-only during Holy Week. Personal messages and downloading material will be available as usual. New posts will appear after Pascha.

Wishing a blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all.