New member
My understanding of chanting the polyeleoi in Orthros is as follows:
1. Psalm 134 (O ye servants)
2. Psalm 135 (O give thanks unto the Lord)
3. Eklogarion (Selected psalmic verses for the feast)
When is Glory...both now... chanted? After the eklogarion (eklogaria?)? After the eklogarion and after Psalm 134? Only after Psalm 134? If an eklogarion is not chanted, after Psalm 135? Is it always called a Triadikon? Is the composition/text specific to the eklogarion/Psalm composition chanted, or is it up to the discretion of the chanter?
Also, on Sundays, how do the Evlogitaria fit in?
1. Psalm 134 (O ye servants)
2. Psalm 135 (O give thanks unto the Lord)
3. Eklogarion (Selected psalmic verses for the feast)
When is Glory...both now... chanted? After the eklogarion (eklogaria?)? After the eklogarion and after Psalm 134? Only after Psalm 134? If an eklogarion is not chanted, after Psalm 135? Is it always called a Triadikon? Is the composition/text specific to the eklogarion/Psalm composition chanted, or is it up to the discretion of the chanter?
Also, on Sundays, how do the Evlogitaria fit in?