Άγγελος Βουδούρης: Περί του Κωνσταντίνου Πρίγγου / Angelos Boudouris quotes on Konstantinos Pringos
Περιέχει σπάνια άγνωστα ντοκουμέντα για τον Κωνσταντίνο Πρίγγο / Some previously unknown facts about Konstantinos Pringos
All translations below are by Dimitri Koubaroulis.
$124. "He came from the Tatavla neighbourhood of Constantinople. From his childhood he was distinguished for his good voice (καλλιφωνία) and talent (κλίση) regarding Ecclesiastical music. In the music school of Phanarion where he studied, he stood out for his great mimicking ability of the chanting style of the teacher of the school, Iakovos Nafpliotis (who was then still 1st Domestichos). For his rare voice, its melodicity (μελωδικότητα), flexibility (ευστροφία) and trills (και το λιγυρόν αυτής) as well as due to his good and impressive (επιδεικτικήν) interpretation of the Ecclesiastical music he was hired in 1911 in the Patriarchate in the position of 2nd Domestichos to succeed Dimitrios Fokaeus who had been promoted. After serving for two years, sacrifycing his "future", in 1913 he left his position, having preferred -instead of the Great Church- the parishes, where his profession would find a greater material reward."
$187. "K. Pringos, the current Protopsaltis of the Great Church happens to be the best voice of all psaltai of Constantinople. Gifted with a most melodic and ecclesiastical voice, he follows the traditional methemata, having great zeal and love towards Ecclesiastical music of which he is the most famous (επισημότερος) and most important (σπουδαιότερος) representative but also its defender.He belongs to the party of ecclesiastical teachers that respected the ecclesiastical musical tradition of the Great Church; also knew European (Western) music. Of his compositions we mention Cherubic hymns in each mode, Leitourgika and "Axion Estin" in various modes. From the conservatism regarding the Ecclesiastical Music of this teacher depends the future of pure eccl. melos as well as the existing psaltic system of the Holy Patriarchal Church.".
D. Koubaroulis: So Boudouris acknowledges the fact that Pringos was the best to replace Nafpliotis. I don't know whether the last sentence ("From the conservatism...") is an indirect doubt of Boudouris about Pringos but it sounds like it to me). Boudouris also records a discussion with Nikolaos Raedestinos, the son of Georgios Raedestinos (former Protopsaltis of the Great Church) about Pringos. Here are some interesting translated quotes:
From book, Mousikokritika (date of interview 1941)

$584 Nikolaos Raidestinos: "Let's take the current Protopsaltis Konstantinos Pringos as an example, who was called to continue the work of Iakovos Nafpliotis. What can I say about him? I don't know. He also seems to be lost (έχει χαμένον τον μπούσουλά του). How can he keep hold of what he knows when everyone else around him live in ignorance (άγνοιαν) of our eccl. music? However, I did support him for the position of Protopsaltic position after the illness of the Protopsaltis (IN) because he is the best of all current psaltai of Constantinople. I don't know what to say. I am disappointed. Alas (Κρίμα)! This national and ecclesiastical treasure is going to get lost! Alas!"

D. Koubaroulis:Sounds like Raidestinos approves of Pringos but doesn't see any worthy follower. Stanitsas was probably too young at that time to make an impression. He was only 31 years old.
$409. Sunday Feb 13, 1938:"The candidate for the position of Labadarios, K. Pringos, now right chanter at St Demetrios of Tatavla and then 2nd Patriarchal Domestikos, many of the Synodal Archbishops are fighting against (πολεμούσι) due to the unstable of his character (το άστατον του χαρακτήρος του) and his low morals (το μειωμένον ηθικόν του).According to the Protopsaltis (IN), despite his (Pringos') weaknesses, he is the most suitable psaltis for Labadarios. After all, he is a renowned psaltis (με όνομα) because he interprets psalmodia according to the style of the Patriarchal psaltai, having been his (IN's) student. IN also believes that Pringos will be capable of fighting against the enemies of eccl. musical tradition.When the teacher (IN) asked my opinion I said that I personally cannot disagree with his opinion on that matter. [...] That is totally up to the Protopsaltis to propose a worthy follower of his tradition. Someone that he will not regret afterwards, knowing how heave that responsibility was.

Cheesefare Sunday, 1938. Today K. Pringos was ordained Labadarios. The Protopsaltis seemed very satisfied and pleased because in the end his opinion prevailed so that his own student was appointed in that position. At the Patriarch's request, the chanted the slow Doxology of Iakovos Protopsaltis in 2nd Mode to test the ability of the new Labadarios. The new Labadarios, in the Liturgy chanted the Koinonikon Aineite of Ioannis Protopsaltis in Fourth mode Agia.

17th March 1938. The teacher (IN) observes that Pringos finds great difficulty (μεγάλην δυσχέρειαν) in fulfilling his duties. The Patriarchal church is not similar to any parish church . Here the psalti has to have musical knowledge, chest (breathing) stamina and knowledge of the Eccl. Taxis (Typikon). In the outside churches Pringos may have chanted showing-off (επιδεικτικώς) and uncontrollable (ανεξελέγκτως). Now, all that that he knew don't have any place (δεν έχουν πέρασιν) in the Patriarchal church in which the new Labadarios has to learn those which are used and chanted here.

14th April 1938. According to the Protopsaltis (IN), Pringos managed to get away the church council of St Demetrios to go to the Patriarchate by promising that he would send them as a substitute the acting 2nd Domestikos of the Patriarchate, Prodromos Topaloglou.Having a very different vocal range than Pringos, the 2nd domestikos Prodromos was forced (υπεχρεώθη) to leave the Patriarchal church to become the right chanter of St Demetrios. In his place, Dimitrios Magouris was hired as 2nd Domestikos.

$421. "According to the teacher, Labadarios Konstantinos finds great difficulty in his duties. Pringos has modernistic ideas (νεωτερικάς ιδέας) and intends to reform the musical choirs of the Patriarchate in the future. In that he's got the support of certain Patriarchal deacons who are favouring modernising reforms (φερομένων εις καινοτομίας). To secure their support, the current Labadarios is promising to do this and that. He may say many things and promise as much but he (IN) doesn't think he is capable of realising his promises. Because he hasn't got the talent (προσόντα) and ability (ικανότητας) needed to attempt such plans. The musical ability (οι μουσικές δυνάμεις) of Pringos is moderate (είναι μετρίου βαθμού), his ability of composing is very limited, that's why he makes many orthographical musical mistakes"

$436. I. Nafpliotis: "I don't currently see my successor in this art. Because they are all careless (επιπόλαιοι), they don't spend time with the music (δέν καταγίνονται με την μουσικήν) and with the musical products of the past (με τα μουσικά προϊόντα του παρελθόντος). The Labadarios, unfortunately, doesn't have what is required (δεν κατέχει αυτό που χρειάζεται). Now that he is with me, he is going to get educated with the 2nd Domestikos. I disapprove of his rushed action to replace the 2nd Domestikos because now they are both (Labadarios and 2nd Domestikos) inexperienced (πρωτόπειροι) and amateurs (αμάθητοι) with respect to Patriarchal psalmody. If that substitution hadn't happened, only the Labadarios would be inexperienced. Because Prodromos Topaloglou, despite his neglect of his duties, he certainly had acquired somehow the practice of the Patriarchal church"