Polyeleos Psalm 134 in Arabic


Παλαιό Μέλος
I scanned in the music for the Polyeleos Psalm 134 "Praise ye the name of the Lord, O ye servants" in Arabic by Mitri el-Murr. This music appears in "Al-Mizmar Al-Rouhi" ("The Spiritual Harp") in the Menaion section for December 25.

I am also attaching an abbreviated recording of this Polyeleos made by the Choir of St John of Damascus of Balamand in 1998 during a concert of Byzantine music in Paris. The choir sings verses 1, 4, 12, 14, 15, and 16, then the triple Alleluia.

Whereas the various compositions of the Polyeleos in Greek divide the Psalm into very small pieces (e.g., "Praise ye the Lord, for the Lord is good. Alleluia," "Chant unto His Name, for it is good. Alleluia," "For the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto Himself. Alleluia," "Israel for His own possession. Alleluia"), this composition divides up the Psalm into verses as they are divided in the Bible, resulting in a smaller total number of verses (e.g., "Praise ye the Lord, for the Lord is good; chant unto His Name, for it is good. Alleluia," "For the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto Himself, Israel for His own possession. Alleluia").

As a warning, this piece does contain many orthographical errors.


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