K. Kalaitzidis: Post-Byzantine Music Manuscripts as a Source for Oriental Secular Music (15th to Early 19th Century)


Δημήτρης Κουμπαρούλης, Administrator
Staff member
Hi all,

This new publication by K. Kalaitzidis is an important contribution to the connection of "External" (Exoteriki) and Ecclesiastical music through the corpus of Byzantine Music manuscripts. I wish Kyriakos health and inspiration to continue his significant contribution to this field and more.

Both Kiriaki and I are priviledged to have been a part of the English translation of the book.

Details below:

From http://www.ergon-verlag.de/en/start.htm?d_978_3_89913_947_1_9966.htm


Table of Contents [PDF]

Kalaitzidis, Kyriakos

Post-Byzantine Music Manuscripts as a Source for Oriental Secular Music (15th to Early 19th Century)
2012. 365 S. m. mehr. Abb. - 170 x 240 mm. Festeinband

The idea for this English edition of Kyriakos Kalaitzidis’ Ph.D. thesis came into being during the conference entitled "Writing the History of "Ottoman Music"", which was organized by the Orient-Institut Istanbul in cooperation with the State Conservatory for Turkish Music of the Technical University Istanbul in November 2011. It was planned to invite Kyriakos Kalaitzidis to share his experience as a performing musician, but he proposed a paper on Ottoman music in post-Byzantine music manuscripts. As it turned out almost none of the Turkish and international experts on Ottoman music in attendance had ever heard about this research and these sources. The paper itself caused a true sensation: By mining diverse post-Byzantine manuscript collections in libraries and monasteries for the first time, Kyriakos Kalaitzidis discovered about 4,200 pages of previously unknown notations of secular Greek, Ottoman and Persian music. After the publication of two known collections of Ottoman art music prior to the 19th century, Ali Ufki’s Mecmua and the collection of Cantemir, these new sources promise a third outstanding historical corpus of compositions.
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Manuscript reproduction on the cover
Gritsanis Collection, Ms. 8, fol. 324 (1698) Christmas Akrostichon Ἄναρχος Θεὸς καταβέβηκε, echos plagios protos:
Ἐντεύθεν ἄρχονται καὶ μερικὰ τραγώδια καὶ μουραμπάδες

From here start some songs and murhabbas

Kalaitzidis, Kyriakos (Engl. translation by Kyriaki and Dimitris Koubaroulis)
Post-Byzantine Music Manuscripts as a Source for Oriental Secular Music (15th to Early 19th Century)
Istanbuler Texte und Studien, 28.
Orient-Institut Istanbul
Würzburg: Ergon, 2012.
356 pages with many reproductions from manuscripts – 170 x 240 mm. Hardcover
ISBN 978-3-89913-947-1




Martin Greve:
The idea for this English edition of Kyriakos Kalaitzidis’ Ph.D. thesis came into being during the conference entitled "Writing the History of "Ottoman Music," which was organized by the Orient-Institut Istanbul in cooperation with the State Conservatory for Turkish Music of the Technical University Istanbul in November 2011. It was planned to invite Kyriakos Kalaitzidis to share his experience as a performing musician, but he proposed a paper on Ottoman music in post-Byzantine music manuscripts. As it turned out almost none of the Turkish and international experts on Ottoman music in attendance had ever heard about this research and these sources. The paper itself caused a true sensation: By mining diverse post-Byzantine manuscript collections in libraries and monasteries for the first time, Kyriakos Kalaitzidis discovered about 4,200 pages of previously unknown notations of secular Greek, Ottoman and Persian music. After the publication of two known collections of Ottoman art music prior to the 19th century, Ali Ufki’s Mecmua and the collection of Cantemir, these new sources promise a third outstanding historical corpus of compositions.
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Missing post by Jordan Banev
Date: 25 July 2017 at 5:38:32 AM AEST

Καλησπέρα σε όλους. Θα ήθελα να ρωτήσω έαν υπάρχει το βιβλίο του Κυρ. Καλαιδζήδη στα ελληνικά, μιά και είναι "μετάφραση῾
με εκτήμηση
Jordan Banev
Missing post by Laosynaktis
Date: 25 July 2017 at 4:26:36 PM AEST

(Originally by Jordan Banev)---
Καλησπέρα σε όλους. Θα ήθελα να ρωτήσω έαν υπάρχει το βιβλίο του Κυρ. Καλαιδζήδη στα ελληνικά, μιά και είναι "μετάφραση῾
με εκτήμηση
Jordan Banev
Λογικά θα έπρεπε να υπάρχει στο Εθνικό Αρχείο Διδακτορικών Διατριβών, όπου η κατάθεσή της θεωρείται υποχρεωτική, όπως τουλάχιστον μου ειπώθηκε όταν τελείωσα την δική μου διατριβή. 'Ομως πάρα πολλές διατριβές, ιδιαιτέρως από το ΤΜΣ του ΕΚΠΑ λάμπουν δια της κραυγαλέας απουσίας τους.
Tὸ βιβλίο τοῦ Κυριάκου Καλαϊτζίδη Post-Byzantine Music Manuscripts as a Source for Oriental Secular Music (15th to Early 19th Century) ἐκδόθηκε πέρυσι ἀπὸ τὸ Ίδρυμα Βυζαντινής Μουσικολογίας (Αθήνα) 2020. Τίτλος: Κοσμική μουσική σε χειρόγραφους κώδικες εκκλησιαστικής μουσικής. Πρόκειται γιὰ ἐμπλουτισμένη ἔκδοση.
Tὸ βιβλίο τοῦ Κυριάκου Καλαϊτζίδη Post-Byzantine Music Manuscripts as a Source for Oriental Secular Music (15th to Early 19th Century) ἐκδόθηκε πέρυσι ἀπὸ τὸ Ίδρυμα Βυζαντινής Μουσικολογίας (Αθήνα) 2020. Τίτλος: Κοσμική μουσική σε χειρόγραφους κώδικες εκκλησιαστικής μουσικής. Πρόκειται γιὰ ἐμπλουτισμένη ἔκδοση.

The Greek translation of the title seems even more problematic than the English title, since only a small part of the discussed sources are really dedicated to church music... but it is great that the English version is free available. Your translation in the first post is already better!