GKM chants and comments (Rumanian Hymns)


Παλαιό Μέλος
From GKM
Recorded in 2014
English comments on
Rumanian Hymns of 25/03

[Anton Pann books photocopied by then arhidiaconul Sebastian Barbu Bucur, upon GKM's telephone request, and sent to him personally]
[other books scans provided by Rumanian colleagues]

Πολλά...τουλάχιστον δεν θα έγραφε νύκτωρ ο αποκλεισμένος Καραγκούνης προσποιούμενος τον... Βλάχο...

Some of us work hard, even "εν τω μέσω της νυκτός" to learn some traditional psaltiki.

Κατά το "Γεράσιμος, ο Βλάχος και Κρης"........"Γεώργιος, ο Βλάχος και Καραγκούνης".
...για τους ιστορικούς του μέλλοντος.

"για τους ιστορικούς του μέλλοντος"
Γεώργιος ὁ Βασιλικορείτης καὶ Λακεδαίμων, ὁ καὶ αἰσχρολόγος ἀποκαλούμενος

Βασιλικὸν Ὄρος == Mont Réal = Mount Royal == Montréal, Canada

Georgios' origins:
Ἅγιος Βασίλειος, Κυνουρίας, Ἀρκαδία
connected to
Βλαχιώτης, Λακωνίας (which, indeed, has many names common with Chios, such as "Konstas", etc.)

Ἅγιος Κοσμᾶς, Ἀρκαδία
connected to
Βρονταμᾶς, Λακωνίας

If various commentators have something more useful to offer, in Greek, English, French, Slavonic and especially Rumanian, they are kindly requested to please make their recordings available so we may all benefit from their psaltic knowledge.

Georgios does not speak Rumanian, and there are many pronunciation errors.
Scores by Ieromonahul Macarie can be found in the links provided above.

Enjoy the recording sent to me by Georgios last year, which he interpreted past midnight, while sick with bronchitis, and softly so as not to disturb/awaken any neighbours.


  • GKM 2014 Rum idiomelar 03 25 varia RVRB LQ .mp3
    9.1 MB · Views: 53
  • RUM menaion part 25 martie - Stihirared Evanghelismos 2012.pdf
    414.2 KB · Views: 32
Last edited:
Some of us work hard, even "εν τω μέσω της νυκτός" to learn some traditional psaltiki.

Αν είσαι μαθητής, τότε να έχεις πνεύμα μαθητείας κ όχι διδασκαλίας και δη αγενούς και θρασυδείλου δηλ. κουτοπόνηρης...
